2023 State Award Winners
Awards presented January 11, 2025
To nominate someone for an individual award, please contact Jon Gray or complete a Nomination Form
Click here for past years' recipients.
2024 Individual Award Winners
Outstanding Service
Kraig Anderson - Gold Coast Gobblers (Photo)
Steve Morren - Southwestern Michigan Longbeards (Photo)
This award is given to individuals who have made outstanding multiple year contributions in various areas to the Michigan State Chapter as well as to their local chapter. They have served and provided leadership as either local or state chapter officers, special event or project leaders.
Outstanding Partner
Long Range Archery & Firearms - Holland, MI (Photo)
This award recognizes the contributions of businesses or individuals that support local NWTF chapters in their fundraising efforts.
Conservation Award
MUCC On the Ground Program (Photo)
This award recognizes professional individuals (biologists or technicians) or agencies here in Michigan who have proven themselves as exceptional stewards of wild turkey populations and habitat. These are usually unsung heroes who do on-the-ground work for wild turkeys and other wildlife.
Outstanding Wildlife Law Enforcement Officer
James Garrett (Roscommon County) (Photo)
This award recognizes the outstanding work of a full-time state or federal Wildlife Law Enforcement Officer in case involvement, public relations, attitude, enthusiasm, professionalism and support of our Hunting Heritage. Officers are generally nominated by the Law Enforcement Division of the MIchigan Department of Natural Resources. The nomination selected by the State NWTF is submitted to the NWTF for National recognition.
Michigan NWTF Pete Demos Memorial Academic Scholarship
Katelyn Bielas - Rogers City High School - Presque Isle Turkey Trackers Chapter (Photo)
Applicants for the scholarship are judged on their scholastic achievements, leadership abilities and community and outdoor involvement. The winners of the local chapter scholarships are eligible for consideration for the Pete Demos Memorial Academic Scholarship at the state level, and then eligible for the National NWTF Dr. James Earl Kennamer Academic Scholarship.
Conservation Educator of the Year
Brandon Groff (Greenhills) School (Photo)
The purpose of this award is to recognize exceptional efforts in providing educational opportunities that incorporate conservation and wildlife to students. The recipient of this award can be a formal or informal educator. The state award winner is submitted to NWTF to be eligible for the National Award.
Turkey Cooperator Patch Design Contest Winner
Eliana Bockel (Royal Oak) - 2025 Patch
The contest, sponsored by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, was established in 2003 to provide the concept for the official Wild Turkey Cooperator Patch which is issued on an annual basis.
Doug Johnson Volunteer of the Year
Bert VanderWeele (High Banks Longbeards Chapter) (Photo)
This award recognizes outstanding volunteerism and dedication to the Michigan NWTF which is demonstrated by outstanding leadership and service that goes beyond routine at the local or state level.
JAKE of the Year
This award is presented to an outstanding Michigan JAKES member who has exhibited local chapter involvement with outdoor activities, conservation, community service and hunting activities and ethics.
Mentor of the Year
James Kennedy (Flat River Chapter) (Photo)
This award recognize an individual in Michigan who has mentored new hunters. This individual may have mentored adults, youth, women, disabled individuals, and/or veterans to help them become new hunters.
Roger Latham Outstanding Service Award
Roger M. Latham Sportsman Wild Turkey Service Awards are given to NWTF members who are not employed as professional wildlife managers, but have made significant contributions to wild turkey conservation. This is a national NWTF award.
Nick Warners (Grand Valley Chapter) (Photo)
This award is presented to the person that hunts wild turkeys, shoots at wild turkeys, and scares the s*** out of wild turkeys without touching a feather.
Chapter Awards
Chapter Net Dollars
Total of all Michigan fundraising events in fiscal year 2023
Crockery Creek Longbeards $41,297 (Photo)
Sunset Shoreline Strutters $37,678
Southwestern Michigan Longbeards $28,927 (Photo)
Flatlander Chapter $28,387 (Photo)
White River Longbeards $27,953 (Photo)
Individual Event Net to Gross Percentage
Single event regardless of type or attendance
Southwestern Michigan Longbeards 70.33% (Photo)
Sunset Shoreline Strutters 62.71%
Macomb Lost Gobblers 62.58%
Crockery Creek Longbeards 60.89% (Photo)
Berrien County Trophy Toms 60.07% (Photo)
Individual Event Net Dollars by Attendance
Highest Net Dollars - Events Under 99 Attendees
High Banks Longbeards $16,474 (Photo)
Newaygo Valley $15,899
Fremont Area Chapter $15,277
North Kent Longbeards $15,231
Turkeyville Toms $12,785
Highest Net Dollars - Events 100-149 Attendees
Southwestern Michigan Longbeards $28,927 (Photo)
Grand Valley Local Chapter $25,027
Beard & Spurs $23,424
Flat River Chapter $21,195
Rabbit River Longspurs $18,652
Highest Net Dollars - Events 150-199 in Attendance
Crockery Creek Longbeards $41,297 (Photo)
Sunset Shoreline Strutters $37,678
White River Longbeards $27,953
Whiteford Valley Gobblers $26,712
Presque Isle Turkey Trackers $25,253
Highest Net Dollars - Events 200+ in Attendance
Flatlander Chapter $28,387 (Photo)
Menominee Strutting Toms $21,010
Most Improved Event
Individual Event Net to Gross Percentage
Midland County Gobblers 245% (Photo)
North Kent Longbeards 135%
Flint River Chapter 128%
Newaygo Valley 77%
Flatlander Chapter 70%
Best New Event
Individual Event Net Dollars
Lakeshore Longbeards $17,215 (Photo)